Mining and Construction Finance

Optimise your cash flow with our flexible mining plant asset rental solutions. Our residual investment offers affordable premiums and zero-risk asset disposal. We can also provide additional lines of funding that won’t impact existing ownership and credit structures. We cover the full spectrum of open pit and underground mining assets, and we tailor-make rental solutions to match your asset replacement, cost reduction, and tender submission requirements.

We’ve got you Covered

We cover the full spectrum of open pit and underground mining assets, and we tailor-make rental solutions to either match your asset, project, finance, business, cash flow, residual, or disposal and risk requirements.

Whether you require the flexibility at the end of the initial period to return the equipment or the option to extend the term, adopted the philosophy of replacing assets at regular hour/ton intervals, want to reduce your rate-per-ton to ensure you win tenders, or simply require additional funding lines, we can tailor the right solution for you.

Latest News

Improve your Farm or Construction Company’s Cash Flow

Through our continued partnership with AFGRI Equipment, we are happy to announce another earth moving opportunity. Together, we have launched a flexible finance solution on the 310l TLB.

Hit the reset button with RentWorks mining and construction solutions

It’s becoming more and more evident that SA’s mining and construction industries will play significant roles in accelerating our country’s economy. RentWorks is here to lend a helping hand, geared towards providing you with state-of-the-art mining and construction equipment that’s cash flow friendly.

We’ll take a load off, so you can take a load on

It’s been two years of tough economic challenges. At RentWorks, we think now’s the time that SA businesses get great deals on tools of their trade. That way, they can boost their productivity without breaking the bank.