Information Technology Finance

Our technology finance solutions assist in conserving cash upfront by spreading your payments of the asset over its use for life. This is how we ensure your organisation has the technology and infrastructure it requires to operate at maximum efficiency.

By applying our Asset Life Cycle Management methodology, we provide your business with financial and operational efficiency. As a business partner, we provide specialist support from procurement, deal structuring, asset management to disposal. At the end of the agreement, you can simply return, replace or upgrade your rented assets.

Get an asset finance solution for all your Information and Communication Technology needs from laptops, desktops, servers, networking infrastructure, telecommunication and storage.

For over 25 years, we have been providing rental asset solutions to customers in various industries such as auditing, law, banking, customer service (call centres), pharmaceutical and many more.

Take the Asset Intelligence Test

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Is your business leaving a gap for cybercriminals to attack?

Cybercrime is no longer a threat that businesses can ignore. Every year, our economy loses R2.2 billion to cybercrime incidents. This ranks South Africa as the eighth most targeted by ransomware in the world, making this one of the biggest business risks.

Why aren’t you renting laptops on a monthly basis?

Do you need laptops for internship programmes, training sessions, short-term projects, surveys, call centres, or contact centres? RentWorks Namibia’s month-to-month laptop rental solution is here to help